Hello, everyone!

2020年3月19日 11時07分

  How are you?  Are you staying healthy?  It must feel strange to have

such a long break from school and club activities.  I miss having classes

with all of you every day.  I hope you are doing your homework and resting

to prepare for the new school year.  I'm sure it is difficult to be productive

when you have so much free time, but you can do it!  If you take short

breaks while studying, you won't get too tired or bored.  Also, take care of

your health!  Please remember to wash your hands often and cover your

mouths when you cough or sneeze.  We must work together to prevent

the spread of the coronavirus!  I hope you enjoy the spring vacation.

See you! 

                                                                    Sincerely yours

                                                                    Melanie Muir